This ornate Americana transom came from an embassy house in Washington D.C.
Modern Beveled Transom
French Art Nouveau Transom
Victorian Transom with ribbon
Modern Name Transom - Cozumel, Mexico
Royal Arcade - Norwich, England
Carole Ann's Transom
Kleemann House Hotel Transom
Brooke's Transom
Victorian Transom
Blake's Transom - American jeweled transom c. 1905
French Art Nouveau Transom
Modern reproduction stained, beveled and jeweled glass transom
English Art Nouveac - Necklace c.1902
Chicago Transom c.1905
Circa 1890 stained glass and jeweled transom from Pittsburg
American rose tree pattern transom
1880's Transom
English Rose - Art Nouveac
Ornate Jeweled Transom - Chicago c.1905
Barbara's Transom
Mary's Sailboat
Amanda's Transom
Celia's Transom
Jessica's Transom
Steve's Transom
American stained, beveled and jeweled transom
Karen's Transom
Victorian Mantle Transom
Arch Transom - circa 1900
Turn of the century house number transom
Turn of the century house number transom
Modern reproduction stained, beveled and jeweled glass transom
Gable Arch Transom
Victorian Transom - circa 1895
Frank Lloyd Wright inspired transom
American stained and jeweled arched transom window with center floral pattern
Judy's Transom 2
Art Nouveau Transom
1900 Transom
1890's Transom
1890's Transom
1890's Transom
Modern reproduction stained, beveled and jeweled glass transom
American stained glass transom window
American stained, jeweled and beveled transom
Arched top turn of the century transom from Chicago
American stained, beveled and jeweled transom from the Chicago area
Jean's Sailboat
Steve's Transom
Steve's Transom
Arch Transoms:
Transom from the First United Methodist Church in Greensboro, Alabama...rebuilt in 1907.
Arch Transom from the First United Methodist Church in Greensboro, Alabama...rebuilt in 1907.
Arch Transom from the First United Methodist Church in Greensboro, Alabama...rebuilt in 1907.
Bobby's Transom
Greg's Transom
Ryan's Transom
Stewart Transom
Judy's Transom
Sharon's Transom
Julianne's Transom
Phoebe's Transom
Arch American Window c.1905
Davenny Transom
Modern Landscape Transom
Wolfson Transom
Stained Glass Transom Design Page
Karen's Transom
This page contains a selection of design ideas that may help in planning your stained glass transom. The transoms below represent many different architectural styles, design elements, and colors. These transoms come from a number of sources and show some of the limitless design possibilities available in stained glass construction. A new design can be created by changing, combining or rearranging the elements from any of these designs. Stained glass is available in thousands of colors and textures. The design possibilities for stained glass transoms are unlimited.
Rectangular Transoms:
Questions? Comments?
E-mail Dean
Some of My Transom Designs:
The above images are just a small sampling of stained glass transom design ideas. Most new stained glass transom and window designs evolve from other windows. Many people are able to visualize what they like by taking elements from a number of different sources to create a new design. Email me with your stained glass idea .... and let's discuss it.
Leslie's Garden
New York Number Transom
Click on image for more information
Modern Arch Transom